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South Africa
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Posted - October 03 2011 :  07:37:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, I want to add the facility to add payments via PayPal

I have version 6.5 of VPASP.

The problem is
1 - I already use another payment gateway - this is working perfectly.

2 - I enabled the standard PayPal gateway and what happens is that it sends the correct amount to PayPal but in the incorrect currency - US Dollars. I am in South Africa - we use Rands - this works fine with the VCS gateway I currently use (and will continue using). But as soon as I use the PayPal gateway - it shows the correct amount but in dollars. This means the customer may pay up to 8 times more. I allow the option for customers to change to their local currency - via the standard add on. Even if they choose US Dollars, the amount goes to paypal as the south african rand amount but in dollars.

Anyone have a work around for this.

Also - is there anyway for me to get the enchanced PayPal gateway - I tried logging in but my free download period has expired and it is not worth my while going to version 7 of VP ASP as I have customized many of my templates to be suitable for my store.

Any help is most welcome

VP-CART Expert

779 Posts

Posted - October 22 2011 :  03:21:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You can change the currency yourself by opening file paypalgateway.asp and then locate this code :

const CurrencyCode="USD"

please try maybe change USD to ZAR.

I hope this information helps you ahmed.


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