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Starting Member

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Posted - April 11 2006 :  20:39:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Can I do the following with VP-ASP?

The product is membership to a website. You can only log in if you are a paid member. It has recurring membership. As a user you can sign up and get 15 days FREE before you have to purchase.
Is there a way to do this easily with vp-asp?

So, I know I can do the recurring membership, but can I begin with a free 15 days that rolls over to a paid membership?

Or a free 15 days that then prompts the user to revisit and purchase the membership?

When the user purchases membership, I need to send info to a db table saying so, I need his info in the db as a paid member, I then use this info to program cookies for site access.
Is there an easy, straightforward way to do this with vpasp?

Can the 'sign in' function be used only for member sign in?

Then if I want to use the newsletter features, how do I sign them up without them becoming a paid member?

There is also a course that can be purchased, this you log in to also, you also can sign up for a newsletter.

-----OK .. so I'm learning about this as I try to put it into words.

So, I guess what I need to do is have everyone be able to sign in, but assign them 'levels' depending on what they are doing.
Just newsletter 'Level 0'
Course 'Level 1'
Membership 'Level 2'
Course and Membership ' Level 3'

(then I can protect or allow access depending on the level)

Something like this? Is this easily accomplished?

But then, how do I add the '15 days free' for the membership?

Your thoughts greatly appreciated.


VP-CART New User

70 Posts

Posted - August 10 2007 :  07:17:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to do something like this. As a club with discount pricing
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VP-CART New User

70 Posts

Posted - August 11 2007 :  09:03:16  Show Profile  Visit prahna1's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I know this can be done. The first thing you ask is if this can be free for 15 days. The answer yes. I know paypal has this option. You can charge $0 for however long and then say after 15 or 30 days, the normal $47 monthly fee (or whatever) would be billed every month.

As far as the levels I know this can be done too but I think it would have to be through VPASP. Maybe some custom code that needs to be created if not already a default item in VPASP.

Best of Luck.
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