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 Shipping Weight - Maximum
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VP-CART New User

United Kingdom
72 Posts

Posted - March 14 2004 :  05:14:55  Show Profile  Visit jackbox's Homepage  Reply with Quote
VP-ASP 4.5
I entered all products and their weights and everything works fine including country specific costs of shipping. The thing is, there does come a point where the total order weight really requires an alternative method, so ideally where an order exceeds a pre-set weight, I need it to do a redirect to another page which says something like 'This order exceeds normal shipping weights - please telephone/email us to arrange alternative shipping method'.

At the moment, once the shipping table has been exceeded (ie total weight is more than those specified in relevant 'shipother1' & 'shipother2' fields, the shipping cost suddently leaps to a staggering £999,999,999. Clearly you can't enter every weight possible or the table would be MASSIVE - whats the solution.

Anyone throw any light on this?

Edited by - jackbox on March 14 2004 05:26:30

VP-CART New User

194 Posts

Posted - March 14 2004 :  08:58:43  Show Profile  Visit siraj's Homepage  Reply with Quote
There are couple of ways to do this.
In the in the shiping form page, if the total order weight is more than your preset weight, ( session variable Totalweight) , just by pass the shipping dropdown and write the whatever message you want to display ir redirect to a page. You need to exit the sub too.
I dont know what shipping method you are using, but something like this would work.

Dim excessweight
If excessweightr> Getsess("totalweight") then
'response.redirect "yourasppage.asp"
response.write "Your message goes here"
end if
reponse.redirect will direct to a different page and response.write will write the message in the same page. YOu can comment out whatever you want to.

[email protected]

Edited by - siraj on March 14 2004 20:15:15
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VP-CART New User

United Kingdom
72 Posts

Posted - March 15 2004 :  17:50:06  Show Profile  Visit jackbox's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks. We've been in the shipping pages for the whole day and its a bit like a rubik cube in there. Not sure if we'll actually crack this prob. Meanwhile back to product formatting which is so heavily tied into the rest of the code its quite hard to totally separate the two (as many find). As with any selling operation its all about presentation and its therefore crucial (from a design point of view) to get more control of layout.

Its a good cart with many features but this is the biggest drawback of VP-ASP really. Its like trying to tame a wild beast at times. Sadly programmers and designers don't always meet in a neutral area.

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